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Summon Block Display Command Generator
Use this command generator to summon display blocks, that are visible and can not be interacted with by players. Display blocks are for map making and can be used to create ghost blocks. Display blocks can only come from the summon command and can not be created in game. This entity was introduced in Minecraft 1.19 as a means to showcase block entities. The summon block_display command can be configured to exhibit states in the same was as falling block entities and the setblock command.
Blockstates, Appearance
The block states allow customizing blocks that have options, such as number of candles, stair layouts and wood log directions.
/summon block_display ~ ~1 ~ {block_state:{Name:cobblestone_stairs,Properties:{facing:"north",half:"top",shape:"inner_right"}}} /summon block_display ~ ~1 ~ {block_state:{Name:cobblestone_stairs,Properties:{facing:"north",half:"top",shape:"inner_right"}}}
Some additional properties work, for example glowing, gives the block an outline, and name can be used to add text (remember to tick show name). Understandably most of the mob related entity properties do not work, such as health, on fire, no ai etc....
Transformation, Positioning
The blocks can also be rotated and scaled. Rotations generally range from 0 to 1, after which they rotate around the same point again. Negatives also work for rotations.
Tip: When working with rotations, set the last number of the rotation to scale. 1 is usually recommended.
/summon block_display ~ ~1 ~ {transformation:{left_rotation:[0f,0f,0f,1f],right_rotation:[0.3f,0f,0f,1f],scale:[1f,1f,1f],translation:[0f,0f,0f]},block_state:{Name:andesite_stairs}} /summon block_display ~ ~1 ~ {transformation:{left_rotation:[0f,0f,0f,1f],right_rotation:[0.3f,0f,0f,1f],scale:[1f,1f,1f],translation:[0f,0f,0f]},block_state:{Name:andesite_stairs}}
Scale can be any number above 0, and allows blocks to be stretched.
/summon block_display ~ ~1 ~ {transformation:{left_rotation:[0f,0f,0f,1f],right_rotation:[0f,0f,0f,1f],scale:[1f,2f,0.5f],translation:[0f,0f,0f]},block_state:{Name:cobblestone_stairs}} /summon block_display ~ ~1 ~ {transformation:{left_rotation:[0f,0f,0f,1f],right_rotation:[0f,0f,0f,1f],scale:[1f,2f,0.5f],translation:[0f,0f,0f]},block_state:{Name:cobblestone_stairs}}
Display blocks can also overlap. Motion has no affect on the display block, for that you will need to use the summon falling_block command.
Minecraft Versions Permalinks
If you find yourself using a particular version all the time, you can link directly. There is some crossover between versions, so there will be quirks.
Version History
patchAdded item_name to all for rich text
patchAdded armor trim bolt, missed that one somehow
patchSummon firework missing count 1 for 1.20.4 and earlier
patchSome consume tags should still be food tags
addedFlow template to armor trim generator
addedSuspicious Stew
addedBundles to container generator
patch1.21.4 signs
patch1.21.4 suspicious blocks
patchPredicates generation for, can destroy, can replace
Read version history »
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