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Effect Command Maker Tool
Make commands to give players effects such as hunger and darkness, with easy target selector. For both Minecraft Java and Bedrock. There is a different command syntax for both versions, so make sure you choose the version applicable to you. Java and bedrock also have some different effects not available in the other.
Select the effect can harm or help a player. Seconds will set how long the effect will last for. Amplifier will increase the effect on the player, for example the greater the Jump boost amplifier the higher the player will jump. Hide particles will prevent particles appearing around the player whilst the effect in active.
The clear effect command is also selectable. As with the give effect command there is a different syntax between Java and Bedrock. Java supports clearing individual effects, where as Bedrock only supports clear all.
Version History
patchAdded item_name to all for rich text
patchAdded armor trim bolt, missed that one somehow
patchSummon firework missing count 1 for 1.20.4 and earlier
patchSome consume tags should still be food tags
addedFlow template to armor trim generator
addedSuspicious Stew
addedBundles to container generator
patch1.21.4 signs
patch1.21.4 suspicious blocks
patchPredicates generation for, can destroy, can replace
Read version history »
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