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Minecraft Give or Summon Firework Rocket Generator
Create a custom firework rocket, give firework rock generator and summon custom firework rocket, select color and explosion shape.
Flight Duration
How long the firework rocket will fly for, mainly used for give command. Based on the amount of gunpowder used in crafting the rocket. Usualy range is from -128 to 127.
Summon, instant explosion
Sets the time in for how long until firework explodes, set to 0 for instant explosion.
/summon firework_rocket ~ ~1 ~ {LifeTime:0,FireworksItem:{id:firework_rocket,count:1,components:{fireworks:{explosions:[{shape:small_ball,colors:[I;14602026]}]}}}} /summon firework_rocket ~ ~1 ~ {LifeTime:0,FireworksItem:{id:firework_rocket,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Colors:[I;14602026]}]}}}}
Summon, LifeTime and Motion
Set LifeTime to longer and add Motion to direct the rocket. Motion increases direction quickly, small numbers and decimals work well.
/summon firework_rocket ~ ~1 ~ {LifeTime:10,shotAtAngle:1b,Motion:[2d,0d,0d],FireworksItem:{id:firework_rocket,count:1,components:{fireworks:{explosions:[{has_trail:1b,shape:small_ball,colors:[I;11546150]},{shape:burst,has_trail:1b,colors:[I;8439583]}]}}}} /summon firework_rocket ~ ~1 ~ {LifeTime:10,Motion:[2d,0d,0d],FireworksItem:{id:firework_rocket,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Trail:1b,Colors:[I;11546150]},{Type:4,Trail:1b,Colors:[I;8439583]}]}}}}
Minecraft Versions Permalinks
If you find yourself using a particular version all the time, you can link directly. There is some crossover between versions, so there will be quirks.
Version History
addedFlow template to armor trim generator
addedSuspicious Stew
addedBundles to container generator
patch1.21.4 signs
patch1.21.4 suspicious blocks
patchPredicates generation for, can destroy, can replace
addedPromoted 1.21.4 to main branch
added1.20.5 new attribute slot options
patchRules for break and place hidetool tip
added1.21.4 items and blocks
patch1.21.4 cache issues
added1.21.4 items and blocks
addedMore 1.21.2 tags, including equippable, death_protection
addedFood consumable for 1.21.2 with effects
addedDecorated Pots
addedUpdated food to consumable for 1.21.2, still has some issues with effects
addedUpdated attribute names for 1.21.2
Read version history »
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