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Suspicious Stew
This command can set the effects for the suspicious stew, with options for multiple effects. The effects are hidden until consumed by the player. The command changed over several 1.20 updates.
Suspicious Stew Effects
Can be added into the command, and it is possible to have multiple effects. Not all effects are craftable in Minecraft and can only be accessed by the give command. Effects do not stack, and will go as long as the duration allows.
/give @a suspicious_stew[suspicious_stew_effects=[{id:speed,duration:300}]] /give @a suspicious_stew{effects:[{id:speed,duration:300}]} /give @p suspicious_stew{Effects:[{EffectId:12,EffectDuration:300}]} 1
Duration: Is how long the effect lasts in ticks, 20 ticks is 1 second, 600 is 30 seconds, 1200 is a minute.
Suspicious stews in Minecraft do not support tags for amplifier, ambient, show particles at this time.
Minecraft Versions Permalinks
If you find yourself using a particular version all the time, you can link directly. There is some crossover between versions, so there will be quirks.
Version History
added1.21.5 items
patchrich text had issues with quotes and backslashes
patch1.21.5 written books on click got to page
addedInitial snapshot for 1.21.5
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