Minecraft : Complete list of commands

There are a lot of commands in minecraft, we have some tools for the complex ones. And many more planned.

Please note the versions below are when the command appeared in Minecraft. The command generators only support from 1.13 onwards, with a plan extend to earlier in the future. In many cases the commands will work with ealier versions but have yet to be tested.

Commands Generators

Command Java
/effect 1.5 1.0
/give 1.0 1.0 only java support at the moment
/kill 1.0 1.0
/particle 1.8 1.8
/setblock 1.7.2 1.0 only java support at the moment
/summon 1.7.2 1.0 only java support at the moment
/team 1.13
/teleport 1.0 1.2
/tellraw 1.7.2 1.9.0
/title 1.8 1.0

More Commands

We don't have generators for these yet, this is a todo list.

Command Java
/advancement 1.12
/attribute 1.16
/ban 1.0
/banip 1.0
/banlist 1.0
/bossbar 1.13
/clear 1.4.2 1.0
/clone 1.8 1.16.210
/damage 1.19.4 1.18.10
/data 1.13
/datapack 1.13
/debug 1.3.1
/defaultgamemode 1.3.1
/deop 1.0 1.0
/difficulty 1.4.2 1.0
/enchant 1.4.4 1.19.20
/execute 1.13 1.19.10
/experience 1.0
/fill 1.8 1.16.210
/fillbiome 1.19.3
/forceload 1.13.1
/function 1.12 1.8.0
/gamemode 1.0 1.0
/gamerule 1.4.2 1.0
/help 1.0 1.0
/item 1.17
/jfr 1.18
/kick 1.0 1.0
/list 1.0 1.0
/locate 1.11 1.0
/loot 1.14 1.19.10
/me 1.0 1.0
/msg 1.0 1.0
/op 1.0 1.0
/pardon 1.0
/pardon 1.0
/place 1.18 1.21.50
/playsound 1.6.1 1.0
/publish 1.3.1
/random 1.20
/recipe 1.12 1.20.30
/reload 1.12 1.8
/ride 1.19.4 1.16.100
/rotate 1.21.2
/save 1.0 1.6.1
/save-all 1.0
/save-off 1.0
/save-on 1.0
/say 1.0 1.0
/schedule 1.14 1.16.100
/scoreboard 1.5 1.7
/seed 1.3.1
/setidletimeout 1.7.2
/setworldspawn 1.7.2 1.0
/spawnpoint 1.4.2 1.0
/spectate 1.14
/spreadplayers 1.6.1 1.0
/stop 1.0 1.0
/stopsound 1.9.3 1.0
/tag 1.13 1.9
/teammsg 1.14
/tick 1.20.3
/time 1.0 1.0
/transfer 1.20.5 1.20.30
/trigger 1.8
/weather 1.4.2 1.0
/whitelist 1.8
/worldborder 1.8