Minecraft : Complete list of mobs in alphabetical order

A full list of all minecraft mobs a-z in both java and bedrock edition of Minecraft, including a category breakdown of important types.

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Below is a list of every mob in minecraft, click a category to see more about that category and which mobs are similar. Try a list of passive mobs or a list of hostile mobs

Mob Java
Spawn Egg Categories
Allay 1.19 1.19 breedable flying passive tameable
Armadillo 1.20.5 1.20.5 animal breedable passive
Axolotl 1.17 1.17 animal aquatic breedable passive
Bat 1.4 1.0 animal flying passive
Bee 1.15 1.14 animal arthropod breedable flying neutral
Blaze 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 flying hostile nether
Bogged 1.21 1.21 hostile undead
Breeze 1.21 1.21 flying hostile
Camel 1.20 1.20 animal breedable passive rideable tameable
Cat 1.2 1.0 [a] java 1.14 animal breedable passive tameable
Cave Spider 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 arthropod neutral
Chicken 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 animal breedable flying passive
Cod 1.13 1.4 animal aquatic fish passive
Cow 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 animal breedable passive
Creaking 1.21.4 1.21.4 hostile
Creeper 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 hostile
Dolphin 1.13 1.4 animal aquatic neutral
Donkey 1.6 1.0 [a] java 1.11 animal breedable passive rideable tameable
Drowned 1.13 1.4 hostile undead
Elder Guardian 1.8 1.0 aquatic hostile
Ender Dragon 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.19.3 flying hostile boss end
Enderman 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 neutral nether end
Endermite 1.8 1.0 arthropod hostile
Evoker 1.11 1.10 hostile raid illager
Fox 1.14 1.13 animal breedable passive tameable
Frog 1.19 1.19 animal aquatic breedable passive
Ghast 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 hostile flying nether
Giant 1.0 1.0 hostile
Glow Squid 1.17 1.17 animal aquatic passive
Goat 1.17 1.17 animal breedable neutral
Guardian 1.8 1.0 aquatic hostile
Hoglin 1.16 1.16 breedable hostile nether piglin
Horse 1.6 1.0 animal breedable passive rideable tameable
Husk 1.10 1.0 [a] java 1.11 hostile undead
Illusioner 1.12 illager
Iron Golem 1.2 1.0 [a] java 1.19.3 golem neutral
Llama 1.11 1.0 animal breedable neutral tameable
Magma Cube 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 hostile nether
Mooshroom 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 animal breedable passive
Mule 1.6 1.0 [a] java 1.11 animal passive rideable tameable
Ocelot 1.2 1.0 animal breedable passive tameable
Panda 1.14 1.8 animal breedable neutral
Parrot 1.12 1.2 animal flying passive tameable
Phantom 1.13 1.6 flying hostile undead
Pig 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 animal breedable passive rideable
Piglin 1.16 1.16 nether neutral piglin
Piglin Brute 1.16.2 1.16.2 hostile nether piglin
Pillager 1.14 1.9 hostile raid illager
Polar Bear 1.10 1.0 animal breedable neutral
Pufferfish 1.13 1.4 animal aquatic fish passive
Rabbit 1.8 1.0 animal breedable passive
Ravager 1.14 1.10 hostile raid illager
Salmon 1.13 1.4 animal aquatic fish passive
Sheep 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 animal breedable passive
Shulker 1.9 1.0 hostile end
Silverfish 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 arthropod hostile
Skeleton 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 hostile undead
Skeleton Horse 1.6 1.0 [a] java 1.11 passive rideable tameable undead
Slime 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 hostile
Sniffer 1.20 1.20 breedable passive
Snow Golem 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.19.3 golem passive
Spider 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 arthropod neutral
Squid 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 animal aquatic passive
Stray 1.10 1.0 [a] java 1.11 hostile undead
Strider 1.16 1.16 breedable nether passive rideable
Tadpole 1.19 1.19 animal aquatic passive
Trader Llama 1.14 1.10 animal tameable
Tropical Fish 1.13 1.4 animal aquatic fish passive
Turtle 1.13 1.5 animal aquatic breedable passive
Vex 1.11 1.10 flying hostile illager
Villager 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 breedable passive trader villager
Vindicator 1.11 1.10 hostile raid illager
Wandering Trader 1.14 1.10 trader villager passive
Warden 1.19 1.19 hostile
Witch 1.4 1.0 hostile raid illager
Wither 1.4 1.0 [a] java 1.19.3 boss flying hostile undead
Wither Skeleton 1.4 1.0 [a] java 1.11 hostile nether undead
Wolf 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 animal breedable neutral tameable
Zoglin 1.16 1.16 hostile nether piglin undead
Zombie 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 hostile undead
Zombie Horse 1.6 1.0 [a] java 1.11 neutral undead
Zombie Villager 1.4 1.0 [a] java 1.11 hostile villager undead
Zombified Piglin 1.0 1.0 [a] java 1.1 hostile nether undead piglin

[a] Some versions of java have spawn eggs added later than the mob was added.

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