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Minecraft Bee NBT Data Tags
Bees have quite a few tags, mostly to do bee activities of pollination and anger, grrr angry bees sting you!
How to summon a baby bee
Like most passive mobs in Minecraft, you can summon a bee by setting the Age tag to a negative number (under the "Additional" tab).
/summon minecraft:bee ~ ~ ~ {Age:-1200}(Grows up in 60 seconds)
/summon minecraft:bee ~ ~ ~ {Age:-6000}(Grows up in 5 minutes)
Summon Angry Bees
You can set the bee to be angry by setting ticks until the bee's stops being angry. When it reaches zero the bee is no longer angry. When angry it turns red and attacks the player.
/summon minecraft:bee ~ ~ ~ {Anger:200}Bee Hurt By Player
You can set which player hurt the bee by setting the UUID.
/summon minecraft:bee ~ ~ ~ {HurtBy:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}Bee has stung
Set to 1 if it has stung a mob or player. The bee loses their stinger and cannot attack anymore. The bee will die in approximately one minute.
/summon minecraft:bee ~ ~ ~ {HasStung:1}Bee has nectar
Whether it is carrying pollen. When a bee that has pollen enters and then leaves its nest or hive, the honey level of the nest/hive is increased by one.
/summon minecraft:bee ~ ~ ~ {HasNectar:1}Ticks Since Pollination
Number of ticks passed since its last pollination. Then it will pollinate another plant (if it hasn't reached the limit)
/summon minecraft:bee ~ ~ ~ {TicksSincePollination:2000}Crops Grown Since Pollination
Used to limit number of crops it can grow, a bee can fertilize plants 10 times each time they have pollen.
/summon minecraft:bee ~ ~ ~ {CropsGrownSincePollination:100}Flower Position
Stores coordinates of the flower it is circling, after circling a flower for a while, a bee collects pollen (see HasNectar).
/summon minecraft:bee ~ ~ ~ {FlowerPos:}Hive Position
Coordinates of its hive. One beehive can house up to 3 bees. Bees return to their nest when it rains and when it is night.
/summon minecraft:bee ~ ~ ~ {HivePos:{X:40,Y:65,Z:-10}}Cannot Enter Hive Ticks
Time left in ticks until the bee can enter a beehive.
/summon minecraft:bee ~ ~ ~ {CannotEnterHiveTicks:{X:40,Y:65,Z:-10}}Suggestions or found a bug
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