Summon Cat Generator Minecraft

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Minecraft summon cat command

Using the summon command to spawn in a minecraft cat is simple, take the command and enter into chat and presto you have a cat. There are a few options for summoning specific colors patterns of cats, see below for explanations of some of the different options.

How to choose what color cat to spawn

Using the basic command will give you a random colored cat. To select a specific Minecraft cat color and markings use the variant nbt tag. This example will spawn a red cat.

/summon minecraft:cat ~ ~ ~ {variant:red}

The follow options for cats will produce the different patterns for cats.

Pattern variant
(1.18 and earlier)
Tabby tabby 0
Tuxedo black 1
Red red 2
Siamese siamese 3
British Shorthair british_shorthair 4
Calico calico 5
Persian persian 6
Ragdoll ragdoll 7
White white 8
Jellie jellie 9
Black all_black 10

Java versions 1.18 and earlier use the CatType nbt tag. This example will spawn a red cat.

/summon minecraft:cat ~ ~ ~ {CatType:2}

How to set cat collar color on summon

You can preset the cat's collar color by setting the CollarColor Tag. If you want the collar to appear you'll need to set OwnerUUID tag as well (under additional options).

/summon minecraft:cat ~ ~ ~ {CollarColor:6} (pink example)

How to summon a baby cat (kitten)

Like most passive mobs in Minecraft, you can summon a kitten by setting the Age tag to a negative number (under the "Additional" tab).

/summon minecraft:cat ~ ~ ~ {Age:-1200}

(Grows up in 60 seconds)

/summon minecraft:cat ~ ~ ~ {Age:-6000}

(Grows up in 5 minutes)

Summon cat owned by player, Owner NBT Data Tag (1.16+)

You can set which player owns the cat by setting the UUID, which is now a int-array.

/summon minecraft:cat ~ ~ ~ [I;-132296786,2112623056,-1486552928,-920753162]

Summon cat owned by player, OwnerUUID NBT Data Tag (before 1.16)

You can set which player owns the cat by setting the UUID.

/summon minecraft:cat ~ ~ ~ {OwnerUUID:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}

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Minecraft Versions Permalinks

If you're looking for a particular summon mob generator you can link to these specific versions of the command generator.

By Version