Summon Endermite Generator Minecraft

Update 1.7, you may need to clear cache for updated files.

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Minecraft Endermite NBT Data Tags

Using the summon command to spawn in a minecraft endermite is simple, take the command and enter into chat and presto you have an endermite. Endermites have a limited life and will despawn after around 2400 ticks.

How to set the Endermites Life

Lifetime starts at 0 and ticks up (20 ticks per second), when the Lifetime reaches around 2400 the endermite will disappear. Setting this tag could be used to reduce the endermite's lifespawn, in this example the endermite will live half as long. /summon minecraft:endermite ~ ~ ~ {Lifetime:1200}

How to summon endermites that enderman will attack

Endermen attack the endermite if it was spawned by a player. This can be set manually using the PlayerSpawned nbt tag.

/summon minecraft:endermite ~ ~ ~ {PlayerSpawned:1}

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