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Minecraft horse summon command
Using the summon command to spawn in a minecraft horse is simple, take the command and enter into chat and presto you have a horse. There are a few options for summoning specific colored horses and gear, see below for explanations of some of the different options.
How to choose what color horse to spawn
Using the basic command will give you a random colored horse. To select a specific Minecraft horse color and markings (pattern) use the Variant nbt tag.
/summon minecraft:horse ~ ~ ~ {Variant:769}The Variant is calculated by adding the color id to the pattern id (see table below).
White | Creamy | Chestnut | Brown | Black | Gray | Dark Brown | |
None | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
White | 256 | 257 | 258 | 259 | 260 | 261 | 262 |
White Field | 512 | 513 | 514 | 515 | 516 | 517 | 518 |
White Dots | 768 | 769 | 770 | 771 | 772 | 773 | 774 |
Black Dots | 1024 | 1025 | 1026 | 1027 | 1028 | 1029 | 1030 |
How to summon a tame horse with saddle
So you've summoned the horse of your dreams, but you won't be able to ride it without taming and saddling it. The summon horse command also has tags for these. Tame allows you to ride the horse, you can use the Owner UUID (players special id given by Mojang) to make it belong to a user. The saddleitem allows you to place an item in that slot for the horse (it's just saddles so far).
snapshot/summon horse ~ ~ ~ {equipment:{saddle:{id:saddle,count:1}},Tame:1} 1.20.4 - 1.21.4/summon horse ~ ~ ~ {SaddleItem:{id:saddle,count:1},Tame:1} 1.13 - 1.20/summon horse ~ ~ ~ {SaddleItem:{id:saddle,Count:1},Tame:1}
How to summon a horse wearing armor
Almost there for common horse settings, you just need armor. Like the saddle slot there's an armor slot that accepts the 4 types of armor, set that and you're good to go.
Leather Horse Armor
snapshot/summon horse ~ ~ ~ {equipment:{body:{id:leather_horse_armor,count:1},saddle:{id:saddle,count:1}},Tame:1} 1.20.4 - 1.21.4/summon horse ~ ~ ~ {body_armor_item:{id:leather_horse_armor,count:1},SaddleItem:{id:saddle,count:1},Tame:1} 1.13 - 1.20/summon horse ~ ~ ~ {ArmorItem:{id:leather_horse_armor,Count:1},SaddleItem:{id:saddle,Count:1},Tame:1}
Iron Horse Armor
snapshot/summon horse ~ ~ ~ {equipment:{body:{id:iron_horse_armor,count:1},saddle:{id:saddle,count:1}},Tame:1} 1.20.4 - 1.21.4/summon horse ~ ~ ~ {body_armor_item:{id:iron_horse_armor,count:1},SaddleItem:{id:saddle,count:1},Tame:1} 1.13 - 1.20/summon horse ~ ~ ~ {ArmorItem:{id:iron_horse_armor,Count:1},SaddleItem:{id:saddle,Count:1},Tame:1}
Golden Horse Armor
snapshot/summon horse ~ ~ ~ {equipment:{body:{id:golden_horse_armor,count:1},saddle:{id:saddle,count:1}},Tame:1} 1.20.4 - 1.21.4/summon horse ~ ~ ~ {body_armor_item:{id:golden_horse_armor,count:1},SaddleItem:{id:saddle,count:1},Tame:1} 1.13 - 1.20/summon horse ~ ~ ~ {ArmorItem:{id:golden_horse_armor,Count:1},SaddleItem:{id:saddle,Count:1},Tame:1}
Diamond Horse Armor
snapshot/summon horse ~ ~ ~ {equipment:{body:{id:diamond_horse_armor,count:1},saddle:{id:saddle,count:1}},Tame:1} 1.20.4 - 1.21.4/summon horse ~ ~ ~ {body_armor_item:{id:diamond_horse_armor,count:1},SaddleItem:{id:saddle,count:1},Tame:1} 1.13 - 1.20/summon horse ~ ~ ~ {ArmorItem:{id:diamond_horse_armor,Count:1},SaddleItem:{id:saddle,Count:1},Tame:1}
How to summon a baby horse (foal)
Like most passive mobs in Minecraft, you can summon a foal by setting the Age tag to a negative number (under the "Additional" tab).
/summon minecraft:horse ~ ~ ~ {Age:-1200}(Grows up in 60 seconds)
/summon minecraft:horse ~ ~ ~ {Age:-6000}(Grows up in 5 minutes)
What about skeleton horses and zombie horses
Skeleton horses use a different id "skeleton_horse", click here for skeleton horse
/summon minecraft:skeleton_horse ~ ~ ~
Zombie horses use a different id "zombie_horse", click here for zombie horse
/summon minecraft:zombie_horse ~ ~ ~
Summon horse owned by player, Owner NBT Data Tag (1.16+)
You can set which player owns the horse by setting the UUID, which is now a int-array.
/summon minecraft:horse ~ ~ ~ [I;-132296786,2112623056,-1486552928,-920753162]Summon horse owned by player, OwnerUUID NBT Data Tag (before 1.16)
You can set which player owns the horse by setting the UUID.
/summon minecraft:horse ~ ~ ~ {OwnerUUID:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}Suggestions or found a bug
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