Summon Panda Generator Minecraft

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Minecraft panda summon command

Only a few tags for panda, each panda has two genes that control colors.

How to summon a brown panda

For a brown panda both the main and hidden gene must be set to Brown.

/summon minecraft:panda ~ ~ ~ {MainGene:brown,HiddenGene:brown}

How do you summon a panda with a specific personality

Personalities are reliant on the MainGene and HiddenGene, if you combine the right two you'll get the result personality (see table below).

Hidden Gene
Normal Aggressive Lazy Worried Playful Weak Brown
Main Gene Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive
Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy
Worried Worried Worried Worried Worried Worried Worried Worried
Playful Playful Playful Playful Playful Playful Playful Playful
Weak Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Weak Normal
Brown Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Brown

Example of how to summon an aggressive panda.

/summon minecraft:panda ~ ~ ~ {MainGene:aggressive,HiddenGene:normal}

How to summon a baby panda (panda cub)

Like most passive mobs in Minecraft, you can summon a panda cub by setting the Age tag to a negative number (under the "Additional" tab).

/summon minecraft:panda ~ ~ ~ {Age:-1200}

(Grows up in 60 seconds)

/summon minecraft:panda ~ ~ ~ {Age:-6000}

(Grows up in 5 minutes)

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