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Minecraft Wolf NBT Data Tags
Command maker and guide to summon wolf variant pelts, a Wolf Pup or an angry wolf. Summon a tame wolf with an owner and preset the collar colour.
How to choose what color wolf to spawn
To select a specific Minecraft wolf color use the variant nbt tag (case-sensitive). This example will spawn a chestnut wolf. The feature is new to 1.20.5.
/summon wolf ~ ~ ~ {variant:chestnut}The follow options for variant will produce the different pelt patterns for wolves.
Pelt | variant |
Ashen | /summon wolf ~ ~ ~ {variant:ashen} |
Black | /summon wolf ~ ~ ~ {variant:black} |
Chestnut | /summon wolf ~ ~ ~ {variant:chestnut} |
Pale | /summon wolf ~ ~ ~ {variant:pale} |
Rusty | /summon wolf ~ ~ ~ {variant:rusty} |
Snowy | /summon wolf ~ ~ ~ {variant:snowy} |
Spotted | /summon wolf ~ ~ ~ {variant:spotted} |
Striped | /summon wolf ~ ~ ~ {variant:striped} |
Woods | /summon wolf ~ ~ ~ {variant:woods} |
How to summon a baby wolf (wolf pup)
Like most passive mobs in Minecraft, you can summon a wolf pup by setting the Age tag to a negative number (under the "Additional" tab).
/summon minecraft:wolf ~ ~ ~ {Age:-1200}(Grows up in 60 seconds)
/summon minecraft:wolf ~ ~ ~ {Age:-6000}(Grows up in 5 minutes)
Summon Angry Wolf
You can set the wolf to be angry by the Angry tag to 1. When angry their tail becomes straight, their eyes become red and they have angry eyebrows (dun dun daaaaa).
/summon minecraft:wolf ~ ~ ~ {Angry:1}How to set wolf collar color on summon
You can preset the wolf's collar color by setting the CollarColor Tag. The color is present even for wild wolves (but does not render), if you want the collar to appear you'll need to set OwnerUUID tag as well (under additional options).
/summon minecraft:wolf ~ ~ ~ {CollarColor:6} (pink example)Summon wolf owned by player, Owner NBT Data Tag (1.16+)
You can set which player owns the wolf by setting the UUID, which is now a int-array.
/summon minecraft:wolf ~ ~ ~ [I;-132296786,2112623056,-1486552928,-920753162]Summon wolf owned by player, OwnerUUID NBT Data Tag (before 1.16)
You can set which player owns the wolf by setting the UUID.
/summon minecraft:wolf ~ ~ ~ {OwnerUUID:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}Suggestions or found a bug
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