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Minecraft Summon Entity Generator
The minecraft summon command is used to spawn entities into the game world, such as fireballs, armor stands, tnt, experience orbs and more. This generator helps with setting commands and attributes on entities when using the summon command.
Area Effect Cloud
Create a command to summon an area_effect_cloud entity. Use to create visual effects, especially related to potion particles and lingering potion effects.
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Armor Stand
Create an armor stand, set the position of arms, legs, head and body. Add equipment and many more options.
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Experience Orb
XP orbs can be summoned into the world via the summon command, setting the value adjusts the amount of xp a player receives.
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Primed TNT
BOOM BOOM BOOM! Summon primed TNT into the world via command, setting the Fuse sets the time until it explosed.
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Fireballs and other projectiles
Summon these projectiles, fireballs, dragon fireball, wither skulls, eggs, ender pearls and other common flying entities.
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Suggestions or found a bug
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added1.21.5 variants for chickens, cows, and pigs
patchllama issues
patchequipment tags handling and validation for different versions
added1.21.5 equipment items and saddles, text
patchArmor stands preview have incorrect arm and leg positions
addedRefactored mobs into entities
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