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Minecraft Summon Armor Stand Command Generator
Create an armor stand, set the position of arms, legs, head and body. Add equipment and many more options. The interactive command tool will provide a preview of the armor stand limb positions. Items can be set under the "Items" tab (although these won't appear in the preview). Items can be copied from the give command generator.
Many options common to entities can be applied, but not all will have an affect.
Show Arms armor stand option
Armor Stands displays full wooden arms if ShowArms is set. If not set the place and replace interactions with the hand item slot are ignored.
/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {ShowArms:1b}
Invisible armor stand option
When invisible is set on the armor stand the armor stand can not be seen, the items on it still display and can be seen.
/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Invisible:1b}
Marker armor stand option
If the marker option is set then the armor stand has a tiny hitbox and is of 0. This disables and interactions with it.
/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Marker:1b}
NoBasePlate armor stand option
If the no base plate option is set then the base beneath is not longer visible.
/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {NoBasePlate:1b}
Small armor stand option
This small option sets the armor stands size to about the size of a villager or baby zombie.
/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Small:1b}
DisabledSlots armor stand option
Disabled slots is a complex bit field, allowing multiple options to be set within a number. This can set disable place/replace/remove of armor elements. Usually referred to as the bitwise OR operator. Each options produces a number with the leftward arithmetic shift of the bits, resulting in a range of 0 - 4144959. It's easiest to use the command tool to calculate this.
/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {DisabledSlots:0}
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added1.21.5 variants for chickens, cows, and pigs
patchllama issues
patchequipment tags handling and validation for different versions
added1.21.5 equipment items and saddles, text
patchArmor stands preview have incorrect arm and leg positions
addedRefactored mobs into entities
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