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Tellraw Command Maker Tool
Generate colorful tellraw text for Minecraft Java and Bedrock chat with an easy to use editor. Complete with bold, color picker, set click action and more features. The main part of tellraw is the json text format that provides markup for text decoration. The target selector provides a way to set which players will see the message. Switch basic or advanced editors to suit your need, or java and bedrock depending on you platform.
Java Tellraw Command
The more command rich Java edition uses the newer json format that supports a lot more features, which makes it possible to do the following.
- Bold, italic, underline, strike-through, obfuscated
- Full color support
- Click events (links)
Bedrock Tellraw Command
Older command style Bedrock still uses the old text formatting codes, the ones that use the section sign §. These commands tend to be less json format and more one big long string.
- Bold, italic, underline, obfuscated
- Set color codes
Raw Json Text Format Generator
Minecraft messages use a json format to markup visual and interact elements. You can read more here on the Raw JSON text format generator page
Version History
added1.21.5 items
patchrich text had issues with quotes and backslashes
patch1.21.5 written books on click got to page
addedInitial snapshot for 1.21.5
Read version history »
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