Version History Minecraft Summon Mob

Version History

27 Feb 2025

Snapshot 25w08a

Work has started on command changes for the next Minecraft update. A snapshot option has been added to the give generator for 1.21.5. Enchantments, attributes, and text have had changes, which generally means most give commands will need to be updated for the new version.

Large code refactor for mobs, which is a general overhaul for broader entity support and planning for the future. No snapshot for mobs just yet, but it will be coming soon.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.7

Refactored mobs into entities

16 Jan 2025

The first 2025 update

This year is already well underway, lets start with some updates.

The armor trim generator has been updated to include the new flow template.

For the mob summon generator, the health value in properties has been fixed for 1.21.4.

The creeper Fuse casing has been fixed, as it gets confused with summon tnt which is fuse.

Mojang seem very motivated to keep the updates coming, so I'll be working hard to keep up with the changes.

Big thanks to everyone who has been reporting bugs and issues, it really helps with producing good output.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.6.13

patchhealth value in properties not updating for 1.21.4
patchincorrect creeper Fuse casing

31 Oct 2024

Decorated Pots and 1.21.2 changes

This update adds a generator for the decorated pots. These blocks accept a single item or loot table for random items.

1.21.2 changes are currently a selectable snapshot version. These changes are currently being worked on and will appear over the next few updates.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.6.12

addedWind charge, minecraft and boat

19 Sep 2024

Patch Update

Another round of patches to the give generator.

New things are around the corner, as I'm starting to test some new tools and features for the site. Although it is too soon to say what they are because they require quite a bit of work. Some small new features will start appearing over next few months, but the big ones will take a bit longer to get right.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.6.11

patchsheep and shulker colors

22 Aug 2024

Glint enchantment updated, minor summon mob patch

New ux and enchantment glint override added to the give generator, thanks to redditor MoggMike4. Also some minor patchs for the mob generator for 1.20.5+ encoding tags, which should fixes several issues.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.6.10

patchencoding tags for 1.20.5+

24 Jul 2024

Tricky trials bugs, patch 19

Patching things the redditors are finding, thanks to everyone for reporting the bugs. Fixed up summon area_effect_cloud syntax for 1.20.5+

Fixed up summon horse armor, llama decor item and wolf armor for 1.20.5+

Updated page content command with version toggle.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.6.9

patchsummon area_effect_cloud syntax for 1.20.5
patchummon horse armor, llama decor item and wolf armor for 1.20.5

10 Jul 2024

Tricky trials bugs, patch 17

Patching things the redditors are finding, thanks to everyone for reporting the bugs.

Lots of issue updates in this update. The main update is better handing and some auto handing for mob items and trades. Fixed an issue with the custom name and lore handling for summon item which had a double up on single quotes when generating. Finally added all the attributes for 1.21 to the give, and mob generators.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.6.8

addedNew attributes for 1.21
patch1.20.5+ hand, armor, and trades tag detection and parsing improvements.

4 Jul 2024

Tricky trials bugs, patch 16

Patching things the redditors are finding, thanks to everyone for reporting the bugs.

Cache busting for updates, hopefully this will fix the issue with the site not updating for some users.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.6.7

addedCache busting for updates

3 Jul 2024

Tricky trials bugs, patch 15

Patching things the redditors are finding, thanks to everyone for reporting the bugs.

Mob attributes 1.21 support Give fake enchantment, potential fix

minecraft/mob-generator 1.6.6

addedMob attributes 1.21 support

28 Jun 2024

More patches

Patching things the redditors are finding, thanks to everyone for reporting the bugs.

Give generator, in some cases the enchantment tab disappears Mob generator, 1.20.5+ give spawn egg command bug with name and lore. Added missing Pufferfish PuffState.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.6.5

patch1.20.5+ give spawn egg command bug with name and lore
patchPufferfish PuffState

6 Jun 2024

1.21 items

Default version updated to 1.20.5 and preview version added for1.21. Some work in on progress on updating particle commands.

Added 1.21 items based on pre-release.

Added wolf types to the mob generator.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.6.4

addedWolf types and armor
addedSome particle support
patchTNT fuse for 1.20.4

30 May 2024

1.20.5 mob generator support

The mob generator has been updated with 1.20.5 support. Including mobs and armor stands holding items, along with villager trades offers. Also fixed quite a number of bugs, thanks to MoggyMike4, Riley__64, No-Representative469 and many more (thank you).

minecraft/mob-generator 1.6.3

added1.20.5 support

23 May 2024

Patch 2.15.9

Version that is tracking many patches

minecraft/mob-generator 1.6.2

patchSpawn egg selector options were messed up

23 Apr 2024

Patch 2.15.2

Version that is tracking many patches

minecraft/mob-generator 1.6.1

patchVersion selector resetting

12 Oct 2023

A salty update for potions and active effects on mobs

If you wondered why potions no longer worked and active mob affects were missing, it was because Mojang changed the way it worked. The 1.20.2 patch update renamed Effects to effects, CustomPotionEffects to custom_potion_effects, ActiveEffects to active_effects. Small but breaking changes. Thanks to redditor Thesuperdog225 for reporting this one.

This is a rushed out update, import for these nbt tags are a little broken. An update is planned to fix, but that will take a lot more time.

Also included in this update, data merge has been added for signs. I was planning more for this update but it was important to get potions working again as it is one of the more popular tools.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.6

added1.20.2 Support for ActiveEffects and Effects

31 Aug 2023

Area cloud affect updated and other bug fixes

Area cloud affect has been updated, which have effects and more partical options with blocks and items. Thanks to redditors TheOceanMango and ChaotiXu for motivation on this one.

Fixed, Added more decimal points to mob loot drop, to allow for smaller percentage odds of drops. Thanks to redditor RealTooPoo for suggesting this.

Fixed, uuid numbers now regenerate on attributes when the item is changed. Thanks to redditor camerasantikaren for working with me to get this one corrected.

Fixed, Added turtle helmet to armor buttons.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.5

addedarea_effect_cloud more options and effects
patchadded more decimals to mob items drop chance

17 Aug 2023

Area cloud affect updated and other bug fixes

Area cloud affect has been updated, potion effects now work correctly and color can now be set for entity_effect. There are other color particle syntax and this will be the focus of next future update. Thanks to redditors TheOceanMango and ChaotiXu for motivation on this one.

Fixed, note particle generator default values so colors are generated correctly with out need to manual set. Thanks to redditor LyoGyo once again reporting another improvement.

Fixed, Locked containers don't lock. Due to a tag in the wrong place containers wouldn't lock correctly. Thanks to redditor GhostIsBeHere

Fixed: Item Tag bug, Tags:["tags"] instead of tags:1b. Thanks to redditor deleted, with so many tags it's tricky to know how they all work. Probably will need a little more work in this area.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.4.1

addedarea_effect_cloud color

3 Aug 2023

Summon Area effect cloud

Added summon area_effect_cloud entity to the summon generator. Used to create visual effects, especially related to potion particles and lingering potion effects. When the cloud is spawned, it can apply various effects to entities within its area. Thanks to redditor TheOceanMango for the suggestion (and everyone that upvoted).

Also added to the summon generator is a settings tab to set command and block id prefixes, that is the 'minecraft:' before commands for servers. Also summon commands will remove the leading slash for commands that need to go in command blocks automatically now.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.4

addedprefix control, command slash control

15 Jun 2023

Additions and Patches

The item command generator now includes attributes and adventure mode features, which brings the signs and books closer to having all the features of the give generator. Additionally, the command generator's semantic version has been bumped to version 2.0, as it will eventually replace the give generator and serve as the core command generator.

Bug fixes

I greatly appreciate your efforts in reporting issues and providing suggestions.

A recent update broke custom egg icon selector on the mob generator. Thanks redditor calamariclam_II for reporting.

A strange bug with custom colors on written books has been hopefully now been patched. Thanks redditor Monkeyswithpie for reporting.


Signs need a 1.20 update. Then a few more bug fixes, minor improvements as reported, and then the armor generator. Also I really need to add a better minecraft font to the editor.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.3.1

patchUnable to select custom egg

25 May 2023

Minecraft pre-release 1.20 data

The next Minecraft release 1.20 is almost here and this update adds the new items, blocks, and mobs to the tools database based on the anticipated pre-release data. The tools are still set to 1.19, but 1.20 can be selected from the version selector in most cases. It is a chance to preview the chances before setting the tools to 1.20 after release.


We need an armor generator for the new armor trims, there's a fair bit to do for this to work so it maybe a few weeks before this gets released.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.3

addedPre-release 1.20 data

20 Mar 2023

Save function toggle issue

minecraft/mob-generator 1.2.5

patchSave function toggle issue

24 Nov 2022

More Particles

Particle generator now has the viewer filter argument, an option that sets which users can see the particles. Added extra arguments for the unique particles dust_color_transition, sculk_charge, shriek, and vibration. Some minor changes and tweaks in the particle command tool. There is still a few particles to add next, these make use of block or item data.

Small but difficult patch of give and mob commands nbt Tags requiring quotes, thanks to ultimatewolfsbane pointing that out over on reddit.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.2.4

patchTags array requires quotes

22 Sep 2022

Loader Update

Internal updates to the app loader, that's the one with the rotating cog. Changes to how extra assets are loaded, this is always a problem so please post if you have an issue and I'll investigate. Small changers to command generator framework. A fix to the team command generator advanced text generator.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.2.3

addedLoader internal changes

4 Aug 2022

An unexciting update

Lots of internal code refactoring, which meaning nothing really tangible changes. Preparing a lot of code to target future updates and requests.

Venefio (pmc) pointed out black tropical fish color variant was missing. This has been added in now.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.2.2

addedblack tropical fish variant

21 Jul 2022

Bugs and Cats Variants

This week's update focuses on bug and improvements, with the help of the wonderful people on reddit and pmc.

Cats in 1.19 had a nbt change from CatType to variants, along with switching from ids to strings.

Snowyboi (pmc) discovered the odd behaviour of falling blocks needing quotes on the block state nbt values, usually minecraft doesn't require these for values when there are no spaces. Both summon falling block and setblock have some odd quirks and probably will need more work over time.

GameDokter51 (pmc) points out that shulker had an overflow issue. I've restructured the internal data that should prevent this.

A big thank to the ongoing gamergeeks donors, Nyaeris, Ethyriel, Loser

minecraft/mob-generator 1.2.1

added1.19 cat nbt variant generator

14 Jul 2022

Team and Tag

This week's update focuses on small things that were missing and pointed out by people on both reddit and pmc.

Cyber_Killer_ (pmc) and BingoOnBreak (reddit) both suggested the mob team tag be added. This tag allows mobs to be added automatically to a team on summon. Commands can later target those mobs by the team selector. Very useful and had been missing for some time.

/team add blueTeam

/summon minecraft:chicken ~ ~ ~ {Team:blueTeam}

/kill @e[team=blueTeam]

Indigen0us suggested we add Tags for items, so now items can be given an comma separated list of tags. Similar to team, these tags can be used to target items with various commands. I also noticed Tags was broken on Mobs, so that has been added correctly this time.

GameDokter51 (pmc) and GhostIsBeHere (reddit) both pointed out that the item enchantment Swift Sneak was missing. I'm not sure how that once sneaked by, but I've added it now.

In the background I've been working on improving automated tests, currently there are over 100 tests that are run to check I didn't break anything (and yet things still sometimes break!)

A big thank you to gamergeeks support donators, Nyaeris, Ethyriel, Loser, Mika

minecraft/mob-generator 1.2

addedMob team nbt box
patchMob tags added proper this time

5 Jul 2022

New pixel letter font, minecraft 2x2

This release brings a 2x2 block font for the pixel text generator, with thanks to KK for providing the letter shapes and a number of other suggested improvements.

This update also fixes a bug in loading save data in the mob generator. Thanks to MCBeeker and Nischmath for helping me find that elusive bug.


Thank you everyone, a lot input lately and things get busy after a Minecraft update. With so much planned I've had to update my work flow a bit to better keep track of bugs and suggestions.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.1.4

patchLoad function not loading

16 Jun 2022

Summon Fireballs and other projectiles

Fireballs and other projectiles have been added. This include dragon fireballs, eyes of ender, eggs, snowballs and more. It's possible to set direction/speed and a number of other options such as no gravity.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.1.3

addedAdded projectiles, fireball, wither skulls, eggs, ender pearls and more

9 Jun 2022

Summon Experience Orbs and Primed TNT

Continuing the addition of entities this update adds new generators for xp orbs and lite tnt. Summon orbs with different amounts of experience. Delay tnt explosions by setting the Fuse delay.


There are 3 things to tackle in the upcoming weeks, search bar, projectiles and bedrock.

There so many tools on the site I'm starting to thing we need a search bar. Also any navigation recommendations would be welcome

Adding projectiles is still high on the list. More entities has been the focus of recent updates, so the main goal is to keep this progressing along.

Mojang's move to force the Bedrock version now means the tools really need to work for Bedrock edition. There are some difference between Java and Bedrock so it may take a while to get this perfect, also Bedrock is a bit behind in terms of command support.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.1.2

addedAdded experience orbs
addedAdded primed tnt

2 Jun 2022

Added Minecraft Mob Motion

Small update this week, adding the Motion tag to the mob/entity command generator. Some behind the scenes preparation for entities and projectiles. Some excellent suggestions coming through, my wall is covered in notes and I think I need to organise these better.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.1.1

addedAdded motion

20 May 2022

Added Minecraft Armor Stands

Create an armor stand, set the position of arms, legs, head and body. Add equipment and many more options. The interactive command tool will provide a preview of the armor stand limb positions. Items can be set under the "Items" tab (although these won't appear in the preview). Items can be copied from the give command generator.

This one took a while, as I needed to learn new skills to create the preview in 3d, perhaps there are other things I could build in this?

Minecraft 1.19

Many of the 1.19 blocks and mobs are in the generators already (you will need to select 1.19 manually). Leading up to release I will work on updating these, there's usually no changes once we go into the pre-release cycle.


Adding armor stands has started the process of general entity command generation. In the up coming weeks I will be starting work on more entity support such as primed tnt and experience orbs (both user suggestions). It may be a few weeks before more news as bug fixes and 1.19 corrections will be a priority over the 1.19 release period.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.1

addedAdded minecraft armor stands to mob/entity generator.

13 May 2022

Minecraft Prerelease 1.19 update 2

Added new disk and horns. I found that some of the scripts were not compressing correct and bloating out, so I've been able correct that, which will allow faster side loads for some users. Some other minor bug fixes

Armor Stands

I've been working on armor stand functionally the last few weeks, learning how to build a 3d model for preview. It needs a little more polish before release, optimistically it could be out next week. This also creates the initial work to allow for more entities in the future, such as lit tnt and projectiles.

Once again thank you for all the suggestions, I've pinned quite a few to my wall (literal paper, pins and wall).

minecraft/mob-generator 1.0.4

addedPrerelease updates for 1.19, additional known new blocks and mobs.

21 Apr 2022

Minecraft Prerelease 1.19 update

It's been some time since a solid update, as I've mostly been improving things in the background. The last few weeks I've been preparing a pre 1.19 update, so we can be ready when 1.19 is finally released.

You will need to select 1.19 manually from the version drop downs for the new items/mobs to appear.

The 4 new mobs are fascinating and have lots of interesting behaviours, the frogs have a variant option to set in the mob generator.

Items are mostly mangrove and swamp related blocks. You can see a quick list of the new blocks here

Thank you to everyone that leaves suggestions and helps me through bugs. I don't always reply, but if you see "feature request" or "bug" tag next to your post, you have been noticed (I will also usually upvote).

Thanks everyone, stay awesome

minecraft/mob-generator 1.0.3

addedPrerelease updates for 1.19, with known new blocks and mobs.

26 Feb 2022


More performance improvements to autocomplete dropdown

minecraft/mob-generator 1.0.2

patchMore performance improvements to autocomplete dropdown

23 Feb 2022


Performance improvements to autocomplete dropdown

minecraft/mob-generator 1.0.1

patchPerformance improvements to autocomplete dropdown

27 Jan 2022

Save Data

3 years after it was requested, I finally added a save feature. It was super complicated to build the basic functionality, and after a month (and a short break) the beta is ready.

In the initial release there is a limit of 3 save slots, this was done as I'm not sure how well the database will handle 10 thousand daily visits (this limit has been waived for supporters). Hopefully I can raise this for free accounts in the future, but it will depend on database running costs.


It took quite some time to build the save and load functions, which rely on the command import functionality, so having command import working was essential and was the focus of 2021. Moving into 2022 the plan is to build on save data with improving user interface and adding features for a better experience. The next bunch of updates will focus on bug fixes and immediate small improvements.

minecraft/mob-generator 1.0

addedUser save data

21 Dec 2021


Patch spawner nbt changed

minecraft/mob-generator 0.9.4

patchSpawner nbt changed

10 Dec 2021


Minor updates of existing libraries

minecraft/mob-generator 0.9.3

patchMinor updates of name and lore editor

25 Nov 2021

Minor fixes for Mob Generator

Main import functionality is finished for give and mob generators. I'm scoping out next steps towards save command functionality, but it maybe a few weeks before the next main update. I'm also looking at replacing the existing name/lore text editor, but that may take a while too.

minecraft/mob-generator 0.9.2

patchFixed spawn egg selection on mobs that don't usually have spawn eggs (credit: reddit/calamariclam_II).
patchFixed import hand and armor items
patchMinor fixes to import summon mob command

18 Nov 2021

Multi purpose patch date

General bug fixes and improvements on existing tools. More to come, I have a small list of things to fix so updates are focused on them at the moment.

minecraft/mob-generator 0.9.1

patchFixed import trades
patchMinor fixes to import summon mob command

11 Nov 2021

Summon Mob Import Command Feature

Importing and re-importing commands is now possible with the addition of this new feature. Paste your existing command into the import tab on the mob generator. Importing commands is difficult, so this is a first look at this feature, it's stable enough to use but still has a few minor bugs.

Over the next few weeks it's time to polish. So the focus will be to work on fixing existing bugs that have started to accumulate over time and prepare for 1.18 (which is almost here). But don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the save feature which work will resume on after that.

minecraft/mob-generator 0.9

addedImport summon mob command

21 Oct 2021

Reset Mobs Command Generator

Thursdays are usually update day, a few minor bug fixes on give command generator import. Getting mob generator ready for import by adding reset button. After that save becomes a bit more of a goal.

minecraft/mob-generator 0.8.2

addedReset button

26 Aug 2021

New Albion Tools

This release sees a few new tools for a different game Albion Online, an experiment into game economy calculations.

Not to worry Minecrafters, Minecraft is still the main focus and these are still more new tools and featured planned. But for today this update also includes for the mob generator name and lore for spawn eggs.

minecraft/mob-generator 0.8.1

addedSpawneggs now have name and lore (includes spawner command block)

13 Aug 2021

Small Update Summon Mob Spawner

It had been a while between this batch of updates and the previous one. Main focus had been a new loader, which should speed up development of new tools and more reliably load assets. It involved a lot of code refactoring and bug fixes.

Moving forward ... new stuff

Small Summon Mob Spawner Update, v0.8

This one has been requested a few times. Spawners can now be items, but due to a limitation in Minecraft the best way to do this seems to be with an auto command block.

minecraft/mob-generator 0.8

addedGive spawner as item ... as a command block
addedSelect Give/setblock spawner
patchSpawn setblock missing co-ords

12 Aug 2021
minecraft/mob-generator 0.7.6

addedSelect spawn egg
patchLoader issues, some mob issues

6 Aug 2021
minecraft/mob-generator 0.7.5

patchLoader issues, some mob issues

5 Aug 2021

Loader Updated

Making way for more tools is the focus of this update with an overhaul of the way scripts are managed, compiled and load, including a new loader. Okay so super boring, but a big update that hopefully breaks nothing and changes things only in the background. This is the start of a lot lot more. Also new mega menu.

minecraft/mob-generator 0.7.4

patchPrevent new line on name

15 Jul 2021

New Team Command Generator

New tool which will help with typing all team commands, just enter team name and display name and you're good to go! Also includes a team member selector.

minecraft/mob-generator 0.7.3

addedNBT tag HasVisualFire

27 May 2021

Summon potion, improved summon fireworks

This update prepares the way for update v1.4 as the next tool will be chest/shulkers. I've reworked a bit of the ui for summon and eventually setblock command.

minecraft/mob-generator 0.7.2

patchCode Refactoring

1 Apr 2021
minecraft/mob-generator 0.7.1

patchAttributes with decimals.

26 Mar 2021
minecraft/mob-generator 0.7

addedActive Effects as found with potions and beacons.

11 Feb 2021
minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.15

patchDouble colon issue

18 Jan 2021

Small update adding a few minor tags and also improvements to nbt data and validation. This one was mainly around improving json encoding and error messages. Also managed to pack in a few feature requests.

minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.14

addedItems (Hand/Armor) now have Count
addedRotation (direction) and Tilt (head looks up and down)
addedJson nbt tag data validation fail message
addedImprovements to bool and float nbt data jason encoding

14 Jan 2021
minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.13c

addedJson nbt tag data debug function
addedJson nbt tag data validation function
patchMinor patch for attributes (and simular)

5 Jan 2021
minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.12

added20w51a Axolotls (1.17)
patchFish bucket variant bug

3 Dec 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.11

addedCount check and autofill for villager offers

6 Nov 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.10

added1.17 blocks and entities in 20w45

31 Oct 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.9

patchMinor js bug fixes

28 Oct 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.8

patchObvious EntityTag bug on spawn_egg
patchVillager trades lost suggest search and auto split nbt

23 Oct 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.7

patchFixed missing horse UX

21 Aug 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.6

addedColored mob names, set colors for mob CustomName tag
addedIntegrated tropical fish
addedBuckets for fish
patchFixed mob passenger options not updating/showing

13 Jul 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.5

patchFixed issue with re-encoding items with attributes for mobs items

11 Jul 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.4

addedOptions for, piglin brute

10 Jul 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.3

added1.16 UUID int-array for HurtBy, LoveCause, Owner, Trusted
addedOptions for, hoglin, piglin, strider, zoglin, zombified piglin
patchImproved relevancy on search for item/block suggest

3 Jul 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.2

addedJson encoder and decoder improvements for IntArray, and single quote optimization (should fix some issues)

10 Jun 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.1

addedCreeper Fuse and ExplosionRadius (credit: PaperPrincessAi)

10 Jun 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.6.0

added1.16 Mobs (initial load with more updates on the way)

23 May 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.5.6

addedOptions for, villagers, wandering traders, zombie villagers, endermen
addedImproved items ux, now when pasting a give command into the item id or tag column the command will split into it's component parts.
patchSpawn eggs have wrong code for version

2 Apr 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.5.5

addedOptions for, parrots, shulkers

30 Mar 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.5.4

addedOptions for, withers, skeleton horses, zombie horses, zombie pigmen

25 Mar 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.5.3

addedOptions for, ghasts, illusioners, iron golems, magma cubes, phantoms, pillagers, ravagers, slimes, snow golems, vices, vindicators
addedRaid options for illagers

18 Mar 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.5.2

addedOptions for, bats, cods, dolphins, drowneds, ender_dragons, endermites, evokers, husks, pufferfishes, salmons
patchRemoved extra space in setblock spawner command (credit: planetminecraft/agent8620)
patchnbt data on items and armor (credit: reddit/WilliamGorman)

10 Mar 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.5.1

addedAuto max health for when health is set (credit: reddit/ThatBratWithAHat)
patchSpawners can have passengers (credit: reddit/SanianCreations)

5 Mar 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.5

addedAdditional fields for all breedable and tameable Mobs
addedOptions for, cats, chickens, cows, donkeys, foxes, llamas, mooshrooms, ocelots, pigs, rabbits, sheep, turtles
patchBroken custom names
patchMobs not stacking correctly

10 Feb 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.4.1

addedMob options for, bees, creepers, pandas, wolves, zombies

20 Jan 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.4

addedHorse variants support (and other tags)
addedDetailed Mob Generator Framework

10 Jan 2020
minecraft/mob-generator 0.3.1

addedMinecraft Java 1.15

20 Dec 2019
minecraft/mob-generator 0.3

addedMinecraft Java 1.12, 1.13

16 Oct 2019
minecraft/mob-generator 0.2

addedPassengers (Mounts)

1 Sep 2019
minecraft/mob-generator 0.1.3

patchAttribute Floats

29 Aug 2019
minecraft/mob-generator 0.1.2

patchItem NBT data, added decode/re-encode ... that's a lot of work
addedAll the attribute (removed type filter)

23 Jul 2019
minecraft/mob-generator 0.1.1

addedGiant, Ender Dragon, Iron Golem, Wither
patchSpawners NBT

23 Jun 2019
minecraft/mob-generator 0.1

Initial build
addedSummon, Spawn Egg, Spawner