Release 177 - Community Attributes

Version History

Update Release 177
26 Jun 2024

Community Attributes

Not a week goes past without the community helping out with bug reporting and also working out solutions. Thank you too all of you that reported the attribute issue and redditor SeruVT that figured out the attribute name changed to id in 1.21. This is patch release for that issue and a few others.

Now that 1.21 has been out a few weeks, this is now the default version.

Text editor gets a patched on an issue to do single quotes and escape characters. This remain a problematic issue, hopefully this patch is an improvement. This is the underlying issue that caused a number of import issues.

There are still quite a few bugs and I'll be working to do more frequent updates to fix these issues.

minecraft/command-generator 2.15.12

added1.21 is now default
patch1.21 attributes name changed to id.
patchText editor single quote and escape character handling